District 280 Board does not renew e-Learning Plan


MENDOTA – The Mendota High School District 280 Board of Education handled several items of business at its June 17 regular meeting.

Prior to the start of the regular meeting, a public hearing was held for the renewal of the e-Learning Plan from 2024-2027.

During regular session, the Board of Education chose not to renew the e-Learning Plan. Any inclement weather days will now be traditional “snow” days and will be made up with emergency days.

In other items from the business report, the board approved renewing its contract with Marco copiers and printers through 2029. The board also voted on two Engie #6 amendments, but neither resolution vote passed.

Principal Joe Masini reported on summer school and registration information. He also commended the MHS athletes that participated in the state track & field meet in May.

During the citizens agenda, Justin Bend spoke to the board regarding his proposal for “phone-free schools.” No action was taken.

In board committee reports, president Jim Lauer presented the board committee assignments for the 2024-25 school year and he also provided the Board of Education meeting dates and times. They are: Monday, Aug. 19; Monday, Sept. 23; Monday, Oct. 21; Monday, Nov. 18; Monday, Dec. 16; Tuesday, Jan. 21; Tuesday, Feb. 18; Monday, March 17; Tuesday, April 22; Monday, May 19; Monday, June 16. All meeting times are 6 p.m.

The board held an executive closed session. Upon returning to regular session, the board took the following action:

  • Approved the Memorandum of Understanding between the board and MEA Faculty #1510.
  • Accepted the retirement notice of Janice Campbell, Bilingual/ESL/Foreign Language teacher, effective at the conclusion of the 2024-25 school year.
  • Approved the hiring of Fall and Winter athletic coaches and volunteer coaches.

The next regular meeting of the District 280 Board of Education will be Monday, Aug. 19 at 6 p.m.