Sublette Village Board approves donations

Tonja Greenfield
Posted 6/23/21

SUBLETTE - The Village of Sublette board approved a donation to two organizations during its monthly meeting on June 14. The board met at the Ellice Dinges Center with all board members present.

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Sublette Village Board approves donations


SUBLETTE - The Village of Sublette board approved a donation to two organizations during its monthly meeting on June 14. The board met at the Ellice Dinges Center with all board members present.

Village President John Stenzel told the board that years ago, the village would make a donation to the Amboy American Legion for the Memorial Day ceremony performed in Sublette on Memorial Day. It was also brought up about making a donation to Flags of Freedom in Princeton, which was the topic of the guest speaker at the Memorial Day ceremony.

The board approved a motion to donate $100 to both organizations.

In other board news:

  • Don Dinges reported that both the Memorial Day ceremony and the garage sale weekend went well in Sublette. He told the board he was hoping to start a farmer’s market in Sublette but is having a tough time finding vendors. Dinges also said he is looking for volunteers to drive the village’s float in the Sweet Corn Festival and Depot Days parades in August.

Dinges met with the International Harvesters Collectors about the annual toy show in March and reported that Max Armstrong said he would attend in 2022.

The annual one-day tractor drive will be held on the first Wednesday in August this year. Dinges said he is reaching out to people asking them to be a part of the car show, which is held after Labor Day.

  • Stenzel reported that the village has entered into an electrical rate agreement with eight other communities using Dynegy. The new rate will be from September 2021-2024 and will be .06395 per kilowatt hour. Stenzel said currently the village has a rate of .0699 per kilowatt hour.
  • The board approved a listing agreement with Erbes Realty, LLC to relist the property at 109 W. Main St. in Sublette for $20,000. The listing agreement will be from June through September.
  • The board will hold a meeting at 6 p.m. on July 15 to start discussing the village’s comprehensive plan. The current comprehensive plan was passed in December 2005.
  • Stenzel reported that U.S. Route 52 resurfacing has begun.

The next Sublette Village Board meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, July 12 at the Ellice Dinges Center.