MHS District 280 OKs tax levy; purchases buses

Posted 12/25/23

MENDOTA – The Mendota High School District 280 Board of Education held a public hearing followed by its regular meeting on Dec. 18.

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MHS District 280 OKs tax levy; purchases buses


MENDOTA – The Mendota High School District 280 Board of Education held a public hearing followed by its regular meeting on Dec. 18.

Truth in Taxation hearing

A public truth in taxation hearing was required because the tax levy amount requested by the district was over the 5 percent threshold from the levy requested for 2023 and the amount of dollars the county clerk sent out in tax bills to be collected in 2022. District 280’s levy request is $6,108,735, while the county’s extension was $5,689,808, a difference of $418,927 and a 7.65 percent increase over the previous year.

Superintendent Denise Aughenbaugh explained that District 280 is facing a very similar truth in taxation situation to other districts in LaSalle County. She noted that LaSalle County tax assessor, Stephanie Kennedy, shared 25 years of township multipliers. There are 37 townships in LaSalle County, and the 2023 multipliers range from 1 to 1.1480.

“We are fortunate to be in this position and not in the negative multiplier scenarios we all were a decade or so ago,” Aughenbaugh said.

Aughenbaugh was happy to report that the proposed tax rate for MHS District 280 is down. She said the tax rate for 2022 was $2.20 and the proposed 2023 rate will decrease to $2.10.

She continued that the EAV (equalized assessed value) has increased and the tax rate has decreased, so it is anticipated that MHS District 280 taxpayers will notice the relief in tax bills on behalf of the high school district.

Regular Meeting

The regular meeting agenda items followed the conclusion of the public hearing.

Megan Faber, chairperson of the Transportation Committee, shared that the bus barn has some maintenance and repairs scheduled. There will be a replacement of cracked concrete, plumbing, ceiling tiles and possible furnace work. The committee also reviewed the fleet and considered the purchase of buses.

In the Principal’s Report, Joe Masini provided an overview of the fall semester exam schedule and waivers. He also commended the 11 Illinois State Scholars/High Honor Graduates for the class of 2023.

In the Superintendent’s Report, Aughenbaugh presented the 2023 tax levy, which was approved by the board.

After discussion regarding the current Chromebook exchange program for the class of 2023, the board approved a one-year free exchange for graduates. Graduating seniors who request to keep their Chromebook for future college and career needs may keep it free. Graduates who do not request to keep their Chromebook will return it to the district for technology exchange.

The board considered and approved the purchase of two used buses and trades on two used buses to Central States. The two used 2023 Blue Bird Vision gasoline, 71-passenger buses are $92,500 each. The trade-ins, Bus #16 at $3,250 and Bus #5 at $2,250, were also approved. After this purchase, the board would like to revisit the current rotation of annual bus purchases with the age of the current fleet.

Following an executive session, the board approved to hire Jaelyn Fitzgerald as a paraprofessional.

Also, the November attendance statistical summary was approved at 93 percent attendance and the 2023 ROE Health Life Safety report was approved.

The next regular meeting of the MHS District 280 Board of Education will be Tuesday, Jan. 16 at 6 p.m.