MHS District 280 bus fleet to get added technology

FY 24 audit gets good marks

Posted 1/29/25

MENDOTA – The Mendota High School District 280 Board of Education heard a report on additions to the district’s bus fleet and discussed the audit report, among other items, at its Jan. 21 regular meeting.

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MHS District 280 bus fleet to get added technology

FY 24 audit gets good marks


MENDOTA – The Mendota High School District 280 Board of Education heard a report on additions to the district’s bus fleet and discussed the audit report, among other items, at its Jan. 21 regular meeting.


During the Transportation Committee report presented by board member Megan Faber, the board reviewed the fleet condition and discussed the possible purchase of a currently leased bus.

The committee reviewed and discussed extensively Bus Right software and tablets. Benefits of the software include the ability to communicate efficiently with all stakeholders. The administrators, both high school and elementary, can have access to the bus route software. The administrator can see in real time the progress of routes and communicate with parents if needed regarding delays.

Each bus would have a tablet mounted in it. The tablet provides turn-by-turn directions in GPS format (similar to Google Maps) that direct bus drivers on their own route or a substitute route. Finally, there are parent communication tools available in the package.

The tablets and software are leased, and new tablets may be replaced by lease every four years. The leased tablets can be purchased utilizing the lease levy. Mendota Elementary District 289 is in favor of sharing the expense of the Bus Right package. The committee and board also discussed how this Bus Right package could be an asset and helpful in the recruitment and retention of bus drivers. A somewhat local and positive recommendation was gathered from Riverdale Schools who highly recommend the service.

After continued discussion and consideration, the board took action to approve a one-year lease agreement with Bus Right.


Board member Sarah Coss presented the Finance Committee report. The FY 2024 audit was discussed in detail with Russ Rumbold, CPA from Gorenz and Associates, at the Finance Committee meeting. There were no findings in the audit. The district received a Financial Profile Score of 4.0/4.0 Financial Recognition rating.

Rumbold said that FY 24 was the last year of COVID/ESSER funding. It was also noted that there was a decrease in spending in the operational funds due to the previously funded ESSER funds used following COVID. Rumbold also anticipates that EAV will level off. The district is primarily funded locally with real estate taxes.

After discussion, the board authorized the FY 2024 final audit.

The committee also reviewed Bushue HR, Inc. human resources offerings. The company works with hundreds of small, rural school districts' HR departments. In addition to HR areas, the services provided also include risk-management and compliance issues. Several positive recommendations were gathered from local school districts.

Per the recommendation of the Finance Committee, the board approved a one-year agreement with re-evaluation.

Coss also shared the discussion had on funding for upcoming health life safety capital projects. The restricted TIF funds that may only be used for capital projects are $496,817. The committee discussed the need to transfer working cash bond funds to capital projects. The Fire or Health Life Safety fund, 90, is a restricted fund for health life safety repairs. The district will use all $417,000 of these funds for summer health life safety repairs.

The board authorized a resolution of transfer of funds from the Working Cash fund to the Capital Projects bond in the amount of $400,000.


Principal Joe Masini shared that the ACT, Pre-ACT 9 and Pre-ACT 10 will be administered on April 9 to grades 9, 10 and 11. Seniors will have the day off to make college or career planning visits. The School Improvement Committee has developed a plan in which all students 9-11 will be taking practice ACT tests during period 8.


Superintendent Dr. Denise Aughenbaugh reported that the 2025-2026 Math Intergovernmental Agreement with Mendota District 289 and Holy Cross School was reviewed and it was approved by the board. The 2025-26 section of 8th grade Honors Algebra I will be taught at Northbrook School by a qualified teacher. The same placement criteria and curriculum will be used. High school credit will still be granted.

The board authorized the superintendent to prepare the FY 2026 District budget.

The board discussed the 2025-2026 proposed district calendar and approved the calendar as presented. The board established May 16, 2026, at 3 p.m., as the Class of 2026 graduation date and time. Due to the large amount of summer construction scheduled for mandatory health life safety projects, the first day of student attendance is Friday, Aug. 15. The last day of fall semester is Monday, Dec. 22. Winter break starts Dec. 23 with the teachers returning on Monday, Jan. 5, 2026, and students attending on Jan. 6. The earliest last possible day of school is Thursday, May 21, and emergency days could extend the last day of school until May 29. The high school aligned early dismissal days where possible with the elementary schools.

Dr. Aughenbaugh gave a presentation on Vision 2030. After consideration, the board authorized the resolution to support Illinois Vision 2030. The Vision 2030 document consists of three main pillars – Future Focused Learning, Shared Accountability and Predictable Funding.

Woven throughout the three pillars are four key points. They are: keeping students and schools safe; attracting and retaining high-quality educators; enhancing post-secondary success; and more effectively measuring what is working well in schools in a timely, usable manner.

MHS District 280 is proud to support the Vision 2030 blueprint for excellence in K-12 public education through future-focused learning, shared accountability, and predictable funding. To learn more about how you can support policy, legislative, and fiscal solutions to advance this goal, visit


After an executive/closed session, the board took the following action:

  • Hired James Eustice as math teacher and head varsity football coach for the 2025-26 school year.
  • Hired Christa Dean as cafeteria director for the 2025-26 school year.
  • Hired Matthew Chism as school bus driver effective immediately.
  • Authorized the district bookkeeper’s rate of pay.

The next regular Board of Education meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 6 p.m.